Slide Microgreens Edible Flowers Shoots

SINCE 2017

Why First Light?

First Light Farms was founded in 2017 when two friends, who were straight out of university, came across the concept of eating freshly sprouted herbs and vegetables.

Although it was understood that these “microgreens” were mostly for restaurant use, it wasn’t until we researched the subject further and discovered the endless health properties, as well as the possibility of growing these greens sustainably, that really got us excited. By combining the skills of organic growing techniques, sustainable horticulture and a passion for the green industry, First Light Farms was no longer a concept, but a legit business.

A couple years later and First Light Farms is now a booming enterprise which supplies wholesale businesses, retail stores, caterers, and restaurants around KwaZulu-Natal. We have a reputation for having incredible service, and impeccable quality, whilst rapidly expanding and reaching new possibilities at the same time.

We are now in the process of expanding our range of speciality greens, exposing all our customers to new and exciting produce of which was originally difficult to come by.

Come and explore our

Quality Products

freshly sprouted herbs and vegetables

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Call us on: 072 596 6043
Alternative: 082 900 9227